Friday 13 April 2007

Tuesday 3 April 2007

Shame On You.

Yes, Shame on you guys ! I mean the Bangladeshi Players.What else could I say ?
Do they realize that they are proffessionals? i.e. they get paid to do a job? What's wrong them?
After beating India, I was the one who praised them so much. But what has happened in such a
short span of time? Looks like they just cant play.
I mean I have been watching cricket for a long time now.Longer than most of these Bangladeshi squad have been on earth. And I have not seen such a hopeless team. O.K. teams do loose.
But there is competition.Incase of Bangladeshi cricket team ,ther is no such thing.
Even Ireland is playing better than us.Whats going on here guys?Can somebody explain ?

At this rate we will even loose to Ireland.Couple of sessions ago I was predicting that we would beat Ireland ,WestIndies and may be one other team.Now I cant see Bangladesh beating anyone.
There is a big rot somewhere.For a start, I think Habibul Bashar should be sacked.He has not performed for a long time.How much chance can you give one person?
Ashraful should go for the same reason.He is over hyped and overly rated by everyone.I have not seen any responsible batting from him since that Australia match.
Mushfikur Rahim is no good either. The boy just cant score runs. (some sort of mental block or may be he needs some coaching to improve his skills.) Khaled Mashud would have been much better in his place.(experienced and would have scored some runs)
If Shahriar Nafis was left out on his present form,what was the logic of playing Bashar ?
I believe he has outlived his usefulness. Bluntly he is no good. His batting hasnt been any good for a long time. His running is very sloppy.His field setting leaves a lot to be desired. How can he lead or inspire his team ? What quality has he got?
It was the best batting pitch one could ask for.The openners had a decent start. So why they threw it away like that?There is no explanation but what I have said all along. Lack of temperament.Boys if it takes you that long to start to have faith in yourself, pack your bags and go back home to your mums.Let them spoil you for a little longer while real men take over the game and play cricket.If you are not tough or not cut out for the job, go home. Simple.
I dont like half hearted approach or pretend play. If you can not give your 100%, then what are doing there? You should not be there.Let some one else take your place who would give 100%.
do the playing.

Tuesday 27 March 2007

Few Thoughts

Few extra ordinary things have happened in this world cup.
Monjurul Islam of Bangladesh died.
Then Bob Woolmer was murdered.
Both very tragic. Both persons died unnatural deaths.Bob's death was more tragic because he was murdered.He had strong connections with our subcontinent. He was born in Kanpur in India.He played for England and coached South Africa and then Pakistan. A true international person.His death is surrounded in mystery.Apparently gambling mafia are involved.
The question in my mind is why? Why Pakistan team are alwys involved in controversy ?They are such a talented nation ( alwys new talented faces coming out ). It really saddens me.
I hope Whoever is responsible is found out soon and punished.
I like to see normality return to the game of cricket.Its a gentleman's game.It should remain just that.Innocence should return.
I hope the future is better.

Monday 26 March 2007

What A Drama !

Yes, what a drama it has been! They say that cricket is a game of uncertainty. And how true it has been for Bangladesh !
I was confident all along that we would win.But commentators and pundits were being cautious.(nothing wrong with that; infact its alwys good to be cautious and should alwys give the opposition due respect )
Also the Bermuda boys gave us good run for the money.They did their best and certainly did not hand it over to us on a plate.It was an entertaining match. I did not watch it live as I was working . But I have watched the highlights and I found it entertaining.
I say drama because of the day's incidents ( i.e. rain interruptions) First it was delayed. Then it was going to be max. 31 overs; then 25, then 21 and so on. One could even be forgiven for thinking wheteher there was going to be any play at all in that match.
Anyway, the main thing is that we are through to the next stage.That itself is an achievement.
For the first time in the history of world cup, Bangladesh has managed to proceed to the second round.There should be a lot of interesting matches now.
I believe we should beat Ireland atleast.If we play well, we should also go close against England and west indies.
What do you think?
Until next time - Bye.

Friday 23 March 2007

Its Looking Good !

First of all thanks Beg. You are the first one to add a comment.I thought everyone had given up !
I know it has been very frustrating and disappointing to say the least!Why do you think I have been so quiet for three days ?Yes, it affected me too .
I did watch the game. It was quite obvious that experience won the day ! The Srilankans had a game plan and we got beaten because of the inexperience and also the nerves (again).
Did you guys see the the couple of run out chances quite early in the Srilankan innings ? If the boys could utilise those two chances, the result could have been very different . Also there was the small matter of one of the players not given out when he was clearly out !But we have to respect the umpire's decision.These sort of things do happen. No point crying over spilled milk like a baby. we have to be mature about it.
But its looking good today.(or tonight rather) As I write, India are 185 for 9 after43 overs.So hopefully anytime now it would be all 0ver for India.And just now it is.India are all out now.

Theoretically it is still possible for them. But if we loose to Bermuda, then we definitely dont deserve anything.
So hopefully, sunday Bangladesh beats Bermuda (should do ) and for the first time Bangladesh would get to the next stage.Should be a lot of fun.
Its been a long time without much success for Bangladesh.Its about time our boys perform well and make us proud.
Hopefully I will get some more responses this time.There must be so many millions of Bangladesh cricket fans out there.
Or am I the only one so excited about it ? Hopefully not.It would be lovely to hear/see other fellow fans' comments, analysis etc.
I hope to come back and write again after Sunday's game.Until then best of luck Bangladesh cricket team and the fans.
Mogni in London.

Tuesday 20 March 2007

Big Test On Wednesday !

Hi ! This is Mogni from London.Yes, this time I have come out with this blog for fellow cricket
enthusiasts ! Remember last time we were celebrating our victory against Austarlia ?
Now we have beaten India in the world cup game.Were we delighted or were we delighted ?
I think we were . All of us.
Now I have started this blog so that rather than keeping it only amongst our friend circle, we can share it with all cricket lovers all over the world. specially Bangladeshi fans !
rather than sharing our thoughts by email, lets do our posting on the web and share it with the whole global community.
So come on fellows, everybody share your thoughts, analysis ,whatever.It would be exciting.
O.K. we have had a good start.But hard work remains to be done yet.We should go in for the kill and beat Srilanka tomorrow. Is it possible? Ofcourse its possible.We should have faith in ourselves.
I alwys thought it was just that mental edge that we needed to beat any team.The ability is there.(and we have proven it against Pakistan, Australia, India ).On saturday the boys had that faith.
I really am impressed with the new young lads like Tamim,Saqib and Mushfiq. On his last tour of England, Mushfiq scored a hundred against one of the county teams. The fact that he did not do well against England is I think the nerve got the better of him that time. (you can imagine playing at Lords at the age of 16 ! can you really balme him ?) Hope fully he has got over that now and looked very proffessional on saturday.
Shahriar Nafis ofcourse have been good all along.Just had a bad day on saturday.
If these four boys can carry on playing to their potential, I think we will go a long way.
Must also mention the bowling ability of Mashrafi and Rafiq. Even Rasel and Razzak did well that day.
So lets see what happens now.
I will be watching it tomorrow Insha Allah.
I would welcome everybody's/anybody's thoughts, comments etc.
So guys lets get going.
Also I would be grateful if you pass on the details of this blog to your friends so that they can share their thoughts and opinions.